
Search "user:Poldi_der_Drache"

263 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The Grunfeld is dubious#2

Not really, it says after g6 its +0.6 and then if you play as the engine suggests: 3. Nc3 it changes to +0.2

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles from your own games?#1

Is there a way to find puzzles from your own games? Would be interesting to see them.

General Chess Discussion - Why do lot of GM's not have a classical rating?#4

@ruzgar9543 why would someone play classical to cheat, that would take too long and waste time lol

General Chess Discussion - Why Play Online?#12

@MrPushwood says the one with only 8 games online

General Chess Discussion - Sicillian vs Caro-Kann#25

I dont play the Caro Kann at all but it seems to result in more closed positions than the Sicilian so I would say decide on that factor mostly.

General Chess Discussion - Does Lichess have a small user base?#14

@rokoroks are you sure the inactive players are counted into the percentage? For example in classical on I am usually around top 95% and here i am only around top 93% so players ar…

General Chess Discussion - Does Lichess have a small user base?#2

One possibility I can think of it could be your search was similar because you can adjust your search criteria more precisely than you can at

General Chess Discussion - Who is HansSchmidt?#2

probably a German GM

General Chess Discussion - Chatting after the game#17

@AlexMachines "Well, I disconnect quickly because I don't want a player to call me a cheater if I win, or a noob if I lose." Common this is so rare it is highly unreasonable to expect your opponent to…

General Chess Discussion - Chatting after the game#16

I like to chat about the game if it was a long, like 30+30 but if it was blitz or bullet I just click next.
