
Why do lot of GM's not have a classical rating?

Hey everyone!
I have looked into a lot of GM's and IM's profile and happen to see there classical rating as 1500?. Most of them haven't even played a single classical game and I want to know why.
They probably leave the classical games to OTB, and have a bit of fun with blitz and bullet online.
Classical in the ratings they'd have is SWARMING with cheaters (despite Lichess mods' best efforts, it is essenitally impossible to stop the onslaught of cheaters, see. Shield winners in Rapid/classical) I guess
i've never even met a gm........but i figure they're like most chess guys, and prefer the candy of bullet and blitz to the brocoli and kale of long classical games.........who can blame 'em??? i figure onine they're just fooling around, or maybe studying. but not being at all serious. howzat for a theory? i call it 'my theory.'
I think classical chess is taken more seriously by a lot of GMs and they see bullet as a bit of fun.

Since playing online only gives you imaginary internet points (except for a few low prize money tournaments, which are bullet anyway, and of course the recent covid tournaments), they just want to have a bit of fun when playing online, and bullet is their preference.

Also, classical games played in a serious manor gives your opponents information about your strengths and weaknesses and what lines you're working on, which your opponents can use against you. If a GM or IM is taking fide tournaments serious and wants to win them, they will study past games of their opponents looking for strengths and weaknesses. So you don't want 1000s of classical games available for your opponent to study, especially when playing online for nothing other than imaginary internet points.

But I think it mainly comes down to what they find fun. Study chess for 8 hours during the day or teach or whatever it is they do to make money and have a bit of fun at night playing bullet.

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