
Chatting after the game

so, if you put your mouse on the opponent's Id, after the game, after they leave the room, you will very likely see that they are playing a game. So it's just that they are just wanting to play several games nonstop. My son does that too.

He plays 10 games in a row and then we analyze.
@jonesmh I looked up FSU and it seems to generally mean 'FCuk Siht Up!". Can I suggest you meant STFU? And, if so, I will take my cnances at not being afraid of you. In whatever case, I'm surprised by the amount of reactions you got for such a non-sensical piece. Look at football as an example: the physical handshakes between the managers and after match drinks. In chess, there were FMs who would comment with the {handshake) note.

Anyhow, I'm aghast lichess has gone all negative on me and not put my rating back to its local Maxima, since I sounded out the swarm robotics I have been paired against.
I don't really expect people to be very social after the game, but one of my pet peeves is people not exchanging gg's after the game or not saying hello/"handshake" before . I think it's very disrespectful -- you would be expected to shake hands before and after the game with your opponents in an OTB situation (well maybe not for a while with the Corona situation), so I expect the same courtesy to be extended in an online setting as well.
Can I suggest that you not misinterpert what a meant.
I have no idea why you bring in another sport, as after a chess game, it's expected to shake hands (an archaic tradition), and a friendly drink isn't frowned upon either. (Then for some reason you revert back to online chess.) I'm saying that I don't want to chat. My desire to chat would be expressed by going to a different area.

BTW, saying "good game" when it wasn't a well played game is disrespectful. Being forced to lie in the name of what you call mannerism is the opposite of civilization.
re: good game being disrespectful,

The good game after the game isn't so much to praise your opponents game, but more so to acknowledge the time he spent playing with you and showing appreciation for it. (It's more of a replacement for the handshake after the game.) Maybe, it would be better if lichess adds a handshake option in the automatic messages after the game because of this reason.

If your opponent is being a bad sport, i.e. thrash talking, stalling in a clearly lost (i.e. you have an extra queen) or in a clearly drawn position, sure don't extend him the courtesy, But I think it's a little impolite regardless.
I like to chat about the game if it was a long, like 30+30 but if it was blitz or bullet I just click next.
@AlexMachines "Well, I disconnect quickly because I don't want a player to call me a cheater if I win, or a noob if I lose."
Common this is so rare it is highly unreasonable to expect your opponent to say stuff like that, in my many years of online chess this probably hasn't happened more than the fingers on my hand.
I don't usually care or pay attention to chat during games. If it's an interesting game and opp wants to analyze for a bit or exchange pleasantries after , I'm fine with it.

redban. Not FM
It didn't say chanting? He's from Wales, so anything is possible. I assumed there were face-obscuring hoods on Druid cloaks and they would do some kind of Welsh throat-humming after the game.
Yours Sincerely,
Aceno0b, BA (Hons), interim swimming certificate

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