
Search "user:MD44"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Mate in One. Not Easy#28

I went through literally every other possible check before I saw it, sadkek. There are 20 other checks in total.

Lichess Feedback - Petition to get my bong back.#7

I definitely sign. That trophy was a part of lichess lore! I wonder what got into Thibault's mind to remove it. Maybe he saw that video where Grischuk says the Bong is disrespectful and not funny.

General Chess Discussion - I was one move away from checkmating my opponent. Any Tips? :)#8

Try exchanging pieces when ahead in material. For example, 18..Bxf3 forces the exchange of Queens + an exchange of minor pieces. Then you can focus on your plan to queen the central pawns, not having …

General Chess Discussion - I can't create any post.#6

This is an elitist site, they don't want newbies on the forum. It's supposedly to keep the bots out, but it's clearly a concealed attempt to keep non-chess players out. It's a "learn chess or gtfo" so…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess should implement a system to avoid missclicks#3

Yes, great idea, and easy to implement as well. All lichess has to do is send sensors to all users to transmit their thoughts to the site. When it detects that what you had in your brain was not what …

General Chess Discussion - London System DVD#4

Don't know anything about Nigel Davies, but Simon Williams has a lot of very entertaining as well as instructional videos on YouTube. I especially like his Longer Games series where he plays 15+10 vs …

Lichess Feedback - [Bug] Computer Analysis Cloud#1

Steps to reproduce: Turn on computer analysis at the starting position (in Analysis board). The cloud icons appears etc as normal. Switch to multiple lines in the menu (say, 5 lines). Even though clou…

Lichess Feedback - Rating adjustments for ultra-short abandoned games#4

The person that abandoned should lose rating points as per usual. What's up for discussion is how many rating points (if any) the 'winner' gets .

General Chess Discussion - Good Luck :)#2

You should name these 'the impossible puzzles collection'.

Lichess Feedback - Some suggestions (from a new member)#5

#4 thanks for the suggestion, I eventually solved the issue by replacing FireGestures with another add-on (called Mouse Gestures Suite, in case anyone else stumbles on this problem).
