
Search "user:kjf"

78 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Legal Computer Assistance#41

i liked your proposals to have an "anything goes"-mode providing less cheaters, room to test home brew engines, try to make sense of that engine suggestion etc. something fun would be an additional mo…

General Chess Discussion - Chess jokes?#50

Debating idiots is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.

General Chess Discussion - It makes no sense but the situation I hate most is...#2

i know that moment very well myself. normal play is around priorities like getting ahead in development, king safety, mobility, material etc., but sometimes ppl dont resign at a normal point and i jus…

General Chess Discussion - Cheats, cronyism and Frankenstein's Monster.#132

oh was toutatis - sry 777^^ my mistake

General Chess Discussion - Cheats, cronyism and Frankenstein's Monster.#131

just subscribing for the lulz by 777 who might be better off at more restrictive sites

General Chess Discussion - Pet peeve/bad gamesmanship#56

i admit i do that kind of stuff too, especially in short time controls. i learned it as "Go-To-Sleep-Mode". the advice was somewhat like: dont look for shortest or most fancy way to win or mate but ju…

General Chess Discussion - Drunk Chess#31

when i get home drunk first thing are some 5+0 or 10+0 ( depends on degree of intoxication ) most of the time. its fun, i dont care and sometimes it even works to a point where i laugh at - in front o…

General Chess Discussion - how do combinations work in the game analysis?#2

the "Local computer evaluation for variation analysis" is 18 plies deep and gives the same evaluation as the analysis provided so id guess it possibly might be these 9 moves deep.

General Chess Discussion - In Latin America anyone is WFM?#22

golden thread^^ im on the women-dont-fuck-up-their-life-to-prove-they-are-better-than-others-in-a-game side. sure, carlsens and caruanas make a good buck but not everyone is like them^^ i know a 2000 …

General Chess Discussion - I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?#67

very nice
