
Pet peeve/bad gamesmanship

Hey friends. I've had these bad days before. It's important to remember that it's not about the rating, it's about the play and beauty and the enjoyment you get from shoving your mental sphere of chess forward. I am looking people to implement ways of automated-bm detection! If anyone is interested in the project please send me a pm or follow.
Thank you everybody!
I don't mind. I've played on in games if the opponent isn't too experienced as a particular mate may be tricky and I might have an opportunity to win a draw.

I got what a deserved in this game (I should mention that the opponent is a family member). I decided to make as many queens as I could and gave little thought to the stalemate and felt pretty silly when it came:
i admit i do that kind of stuff too, especially in short time controls. i learned it as "Go-To-Sleep-Mode". the advice was somewhat like: dont look for shortest or most fancy way to win or mate but just reach a position where even if you blundered the outcome wont change.

example in practice: a rook and some pawns up while opponent has only bare king? protect rook with pawn so the enemy king is trapped in some little square not being able to touch any of my pieces. then push pawn(s) to 7th rank. before promoting watch for stalemates. promote. coordinate for staircase mate. do staircase mate. with premoves this can be done in 3 seconds, albeit the perfect solution would have been 3 moves and mine was 20.

go-to-sleep-mode made me throw away much less games and i dont care as much about opponents not resigning in utter lost positions.
Whenever someone not resigns I get 3 knights and try to checkmate with it. I am quite good at it by now.

Not resigning is the most unsportsman thing in chess you can do. Even worse then Topalov not shaking hands.

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