
Search "user:Cotaxman"

63 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Draw proposal accepted late#3

Under article 9.1.b of the FIDE laws of chess "In both cases the offer cannot be withdrawn and remains valid until the opponent accepts it, rejects it orally, rejects it by touching a piece with the i…

Lichess Feedback - Save color for anonymus#2

Is it really that much effort to change it when you want? I switch colour schemes periodically anyway: I prefer the green to look at, but the move-highlighter doesn't show up quite as well.

General Chess Discussion - About a player called JOANET#14

Strictly, Papa is right: read in context, his phrase 'he uses computer assistance' was not a statement of fact. I also feel he has a point about individual witch-hunts: by all means have a facility wh…

Off-Topic Discussion - Jesus Christ Loves You#19

Ja, I'm not prepared to debate it, especially here, but you seem to have a fudamentaly different view of the tenets of Christianity than I do if your last post is anything to go by.

Lichess Feedback - Kingsnatch?#5

It's a much slower game - especially in the time it takes to lock forces. It was the changes made in Europe that really catapulted chess to popularity, and I suspect most modern players would be a bit…

Lichess Feedback - Kingsnatch?#3

There were a lot more differences, too! Eg: The pawn's first double-move and en passant did not exist; the bishop's move was restricted, but with ability to jump; the queen was very restricted - when …

General Chess Discussion - A special chess puzzle#22

I've certainly not installed it (and can't see it from Control Panel). Remember - I like to keep things simple: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I only change my computer/programs when they no longer …

General Chess Discussion - A special chess puzzle#20

I am using Firefox - for most things: some don't work right, but that may be because I haven't delved into it enough. As such, I think I'll pass on adding something else at this point! I'll stick with…

General Chess Discussion - A special chess puzzle#18

I can see the narrative in the link but not a board/position?'s the weekend : I don't know if my mind can cope with the 61 moves in a perfect solution, let alone the seemingly more likely gre…

General Chess Discussion - A special chess puzzle#16

So, just one Monkey needed in that case - but you had a head start on the rest of the cartload : just a few milennia of evolution!
