
Cheats, cronyism and Frankenstein's Monster.

But then again you don't play on lichess #70 (according to your profile), so I only wonder why you even took interest in this thread.
@ 69 : "[...] by attaching your [fake] facebook account for example, and that would provide [nothing more then] a visible sign that the account is [maybe 100%] verified [under a probably fake ID or through ID theft], would be a nice addition [that simply fits in]."

@ 68: "[..] if you start bringing in GMs and money tournaments, obviously the incentive to cheat increases." Agreed, this attracts the moths whilst there is no barrier that keeps them out and prevents that they are roaming free between these events.

The questions are>
Is Lichess up for the numbers and publicity (due to GM's and events) and had managed to calculate and include these additional problems into the current situation -to outline the overall collateral damage- beforehand?
Has Lichess therefore enough resources on hand to be capable to deal with this extra flow of "members" in the long run or we are now sliding on thin ice towards "hopefully nothing goes wrong" before dark?

I wish they did, otherwise we meet the aftermath.. err.. -mess.

Not sure what my preferred usage of lichess has to do with my statement, but be sure:
Implementing Facebookfoo would definitely stop me from taking interest in lichess. So would credit card details, ID verification and all this strange things proposed here.

Because only playing 3 correspondence games in a year says why you're not concerned with the issue. If you were, the big bad evil facebook might concern you less.
Again I brought up the facebook suggestion as an example that seems to have worked elsewhere, not because I like it or consider it to be ideal. I don't even have a profile myself, but might if lichess required it and it was effective. But if I only played 3 correspondence games in the last year, I might feel as you do.
LOL #75 no doubt it is. Which is worse I guess. Maybe it is indeed.
You don't get the point.
Even thou you are right I am not very concerned with the issue, I am concerned with the proposed solutions.
Not allowed to state my opinion cause I am not a "verified user" in your opinion?
So not allowed to try any solutions that you don't immediately find tasteful? Maybe that's because you don't perceive the problem in the first place.

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