
Cheats, cronyism and Frankenstein's Monster.

<Comment deleted by user>
Chessexplained invented the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...move-therapy! Don't waste your time kicking cheater's asses. Just sing the song...1,2,3,4,5...move...1,2,3,...
I'm not sure what measures Lichess has put in place to stop cheaters other than a user's ability to report others for cheating.
The ideal method would be one that
1) Stops cheaters before they can do damage
2) Does not create too much work for Lichess staff
3) Does not create "hurdles" for human players

I suggest an automated system with the following consequences for these different behaviors:

1) 3 minute cool-off for users who play a game with extremely consistent move times or ≤8 centipawn loss. (Every game on Lichess should be automatically run through an engine scan. I'm sure the Lichess community would be more than willing to donate for extra servers if necessary)
2) Only after 3 of the above offenses should the user be put on a watch-list to be reviewed by staff.

This would fulfill all three ideals for a cheat detection system.
It would

1) Disinterest players in cheating, especially in tournaments as the 3 minute cool down time would be enough to prevent them from winning the event.
2) Filter through nearly all of the "false-positives" automatically, leaving little work to Lichess staff.
3) Avoid hurdles for players. It is an extreme rarity that even a NM like myself would play a game with 8 CPL or consistent move time, so very few human players would get effected.
@49 ok but what is the problem with people cheating ?
it's a serious question.


Most people dont like it to be cheated because every human interaction is dependent from truth because otherwise nothing would work because nobody would have an idea whats going on.

Some people try to exploit this circumstance for some reason to gain some selfish advantage towards others. The others cant accept such a behavior and they are forced to be angry and have to punish those who are cheating to keep society under control.

I am not sure if your question was really serious but this answer is serious for sure!

Best wishes
@54 Come on now... There is an obvious problem with people cheating but I think the point you are trying to make is that the problem is blown out of proportion given that cheating is not as widespread as some here are trying to make you believe and also virtually no harm being done.
Cheating is the primary from of trolling on a site like this one. As with all trolling, there is a trade-off between denying trolls, and keeping site traffic up.

Alot of news sites now require facebook or other social media use to comment, with the idea that their protections are transferred. It seems to help, but I assume that would cost - perhaps that's why I haven't noticed it being suggested before. I'm not a big fan of this, but would go along if it really helped, and might donate to defray costs if it did. They might require adverts, etc, and possibly other undesirable concessions that would again be worse than the problem itself in many users' minds. I mention it only because it seems to have caught on in online news ...

I do think there are more advanced tools that could be developed to combat cheating, but it is a question of time and expense. Trolls love to ruin whatever is ruin-able ...
I don't think it is a form of trolling. That's too time consuming and also does not give the immediate gratification that trolls seek by making one post and seeing many angry replies.

My guess it is simply people being vain, being in denial, giving that immediate gratification of victory without investing yourself or incapability with dealing with losses. A small meaningless number online can go longways. Having a large post count in some forums prompts people to spam, having a higher rating/rank prompts people to cheat. Getting any kind of recognition, attention prompts people to lie, troll or attention-whore.

It's nothing new nor unique to chess.
Oh I think very often they get exactly the response they want. Anger on forums, GMs closing accounts in a public fit, comments during the game, etc. It's just about controlling the site, and degrading it's value for everybody. Trolling. "I can ruin it just because I can and you can't stop me." That's the essence of it. (You seemed to start out by disagreeing, then used the word "troll" yourself).

Semantics I guess.

I don't know what you'd call this guy, though:

The first thing I think is "troll" - maybe even more so than the typical internet comment troll - he/she appears to be using a bot to make a little income off the ad-free, cost-free lichess website.
lichess has to make a single place where it's close to impossible to cheat. like a `daily titled tournament`. then work from there. make a tournament for titled players/streamers and people they are following to.

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