
Blindfold checkmate

Guys, stop, it will fry your brain, there is a reason why Kasparov fears blindfold chess!!!
LOL. I like it. Hopefully the change will help my normal chess at least some. :D
Probably it will help at calculating variants, meaning that you will see 20 moves deep lol.

When I was a tactical maniac I could remember I could calculate 10 (hope it isnt the avergae lol)moves deep forced lines, I left tactics thinking I was too good to do tactics and now I am struggling at 6 moves lol, hopefully Lichess and ChessTempo will help me, if not you can always bring your chess puzzles book to school lol.
Yeh. If I could only see one move deep I would be happy LOL.
I am going to play another set of blindfold casual games tomorrow night around 7pm pacific time. PM me if you want to play me blindfolded.

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