
Blindfold checkmate

Not claiming I am any good or not but still its much tougher.
noob2chess is a strong blindfold player, he just beat me in a casual match, he was +4 in material.
Nice checkmate that last match you posted
I lost on time but I was up in material. Ill call it a draw ;) I couldn't remember where half my pieces were lol.
Not saying anything against your attempt. No need to defend yourself. I was just stating a point. This isn't real blind chess. It's blindfold light. You guys really should practice less taking offense to things.:-) really..

I suppose my ease in use is my actual blindfold training. I spent several months specifically training blindfold chess. So use of the board is like giving a handicap to a blind player who is playing blind for the sport.

I am unsure if blindfold enhances opening study though. I guess if you are persistent, but in my experience people who are good at playing against blind players use a tactical trick to avoid opening theory and complicate the position as soon as possible. If you find people that try to help you train openings that might be beneficial.

My use of blindfold chess is strictly to try to train myself in board vision and calculation.

Question: Are you familiar with a site that specifically trains blindfold chess? And if not are you interested in learning about it? If so I will post the link.
I took no offence :D I would love to see the link. Ill try anything at least once. Except strange chess variants.. Too different for me xD.

And yes you are correct complicating the position early is beneficial to most blindfold players unless you are playing Magnus Carlsen then it is probably best not to give away the centre since he sees everything LOL.
I remember I used to play Blinfold chess and was good. Never hang pieces. I played it against my parents and usually won. I would put a sweter on my head and say the moves lol, it was fun

Good job mating. Good sign. Altough it was prohibited in Russia for quite some time.
Just played another cute blindfold game where I sacked a bishop in my favorite nonsense QGD lines.

I played this same game nearly exact sometime during the week. Greek gift sacks.

Ill edit a video tonight for it. Right now I am reinstalling Windows on my desktop so once that is done I will be able to install Premier Pro.

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