
Unlocking Chess Success: +752 Points in 6 Months

Man the Chess Community is kinda toxic, the majority of the population is at a low level and this is a more useful article for them than something highly technical. Normal people have other things to do in their lives than grind chess to brag on a forum, like having a career or getting a girlfriend.
This means that she managed to quadruple her rating in six months. We are waiting for a rating of 4000 in 2024
@TreasureSeeker maybe the article can be useful for low-rated players and the suggestions could be really nice. But the title is totally misleading. The player goes from 269 to 1021. 269 is a really low rating and I am not so impressed with a player that goes from 269 to 1021. Everyone spending at least 20 minutes per day on tactics and basic principles can reach 1000. So I am not impressed at all. When I clicked on the post I was expecting a +752 gaining from a medium rating, not from a really low-rated player. When your rating is so low it so easy to get 700 points. However I really appreciate the author, and I find his blog really useful. But in this case I have to admit that the title is really misleading.
"Plateaus are Normal", what happens if a player starts to decline?
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lol, such a clickbait. I was thinking something like 1600 to 2300. 200 to 1000 took me only a week.
lichess should think more about which articles to select for the main page and adverts like this should be kept for personal profiles
What's described in an article might be right or might be wrong - honestly I did not even read it. I stopped at the title that said initial students rating was 269 but increase only 752 points in 6 months. Growing rating a lot at the beginning is normal. Nearly anyone who starts playing chess can get +1000 points in 6 months easy and it has nothing to do with specific methods I have seen countless such cases when beginner is over 1000 after 6 month.

Exceptional students (I had one such student) grow from not knowing how chess pieces are moved to 2200+ FIDE in exactly 1 year, but he worked like a crazy and spend 10 to 18 hours on chess daily for this year.