
Search "user:alijeba"

105 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month April - Contest#3

Lichess Feedback - blinking white bar in puzzle racer#1

It is really distracting. Is anybody else having this problem? also if someone could tell me how to post an image i will

Off-Topic Discussion - San Antonio Spurs or Philadelphia 76ers?#8

I am an avid Spurs fan GO SPURS GO

Off-Topic Discussion - Name someone alive today that should be president (can be any age) (cannot be yourself)#41

I@dstne said in #40: > Why her? Is it just because you enjoy her music and you are a fan, or because you genuinely think she would make a good President. If that it’s the case, why would she make a go…

Off-Topic Discussion - Name someone alive today that should be president (can be any age) (cannot be yourself)#39

If there is anyone who should not be president it is taylor swift

Off-Topic Discussion - What idiot created math?#40

You do realize that without math you would not be able to post on this website right. Without math you would be living in a cave. We owe modern civilization this “idiot” who created math.

Lichess Feedback - New header update covers thing up...#18

I hate the new header please please make a setting that allows those who do not like it to turn it off.

Off-Topic Discussion - Good places to find teenager sociality at that aren't school#23

@LordSupremeChess said in #1: > I need help finding somewhere I can go to that isn't a school to socialize with other teens my age. Do you have any god suggestions? Yes I have some god suggestions.

Lichess Feedback - i cant see my piece#2

Do you have on blindfold mode?

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month February - Contest#68
