
What idiot created math?

Two plus two ain't three, you see!
No matter what it wants it to be!
A stubborn man might claim it's three....
And be quite wrong, quite stubbornly!
> I usually use the shorthand v for my vectors. Sometimes u.

Also The struggle using your hands to find the dot product.
No matter how many times you walk halfway across a room you will never get to the other side. According to math at least.
Blessed be he or she who knows both piano and Peano, and values both Zeno and Reno.
There is the mathematics itself that might exist without us knowing about it or talking about it.

Then there is the math. that we talk to each other and put on external media like paper or cave walls....

In school, the curiculum won't wait for someone to become aware of something in their experience appearing with such mechanical reproducibility that they might start to wonder if one could not talk about to another and maybe get curious about it being that reproducible, or being so, have predictability added to it.

So, which math? then. The language of nature, or that which is poured on you in the classrooms.

That one, is bound by the way our language flows: a word preceding another being the way one can prove to each other that something previously agreed would, when combined, "always" lead to something else already agreed upon as a possibility or a question to answer.

Lots of garments and precautions to equip before being able to toy with the real things... Blame our language that was born out of sound waves, and can only be parse rather sequentially.
@SlowBerserk said in #5:
> Probably some old ancient greek who wanted to impress a woman...

He probably wanted to teach her how to multiply.
You do realize that without math you would not be able to post on this website right.

Without math you would be living in a cave.
We owe modern civilization this “idiot” who created math.

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