
minimalistic non materialistic life

is healthy for the mind/character.

Do you agree?
I am a minimalist. I have 3 casual suits, a few T-shirts and trousers. Compared to my neighbours' rooms, I can say that I have a lot less stuff. That's what I think of materialism:
1.When you start getting rid of junk in rooms, wardrobes, in the attic, you free up space in your home. The rooms will become more spacious.
2.When you have a lot of material things, your attention is scattered. You worry that you have to work harder to pay for it all, and you spend your time trying to arrange these things in the house.
3.Less stuff means more money.
4.Getting rid of all the unnecessary stuff gives you more energy and energy for other activities. People who are not consumed by a materialistic lifestyle are healthier and stronger.
Here is my opinion on minimalism.
I've never particularly been into things.
I prefer to collect ideas.
@e_x said in #1:
> is healthy for the mind/character.
> Do you agree

No, its healthy to live a highly materialistic minimalist life.

But that Kind if talk is the reason i hate my ex forever.
She Puts me in the poorhouse and then says its good.

Or as my brother said, without money you can think about important stuff. What sob.

Anyhow sorry to talk Nonsens but you could be my ex.

But If you ever happen to stumble upon her,please tell her i hate her so much.
Do we have anyone who is super materialistic and likes to expensive/luxerious buy stuff? I'm not really interested in that, but I'm wondering what motivates you to be like that. Is it all peer pressure?
I work too hard for the pay I earn. I don’t part with it easily.
@e_x said in #5:
> Do we have anyone who is super materialistic and likes to buy stuff? I'm not really interested in that, but I'm wondering what motivates you to be like that. Is it all peer pressure?

Maybe try a different expression, everyone likes to buy stuff, thats why money has such a high value in our Society.
@e_x said in #1:
> minimalistic non materialistic life
> is healthy for the mind/character.
> Do you agree?

No i used to believe it but now i recognize it as a cringe passive avoidant loser mentality. The only way it's valuable would be as a flex if you are super rich and show you can buy and throw out things at whim.
I'd say it's not about materialism, whether you have a lot, or a litte, rather a mindset, or a heartset if you will. For there are both happy and unhappy rich and poor alike.
Well it depends, if you mean materialistic like buying 12 Cars than thats crazy, if its just for show.

But if you have a real expensive appartement, or 2 or 3.

Or buy premium exclusive tea that costs a fortune, fly first class.

That is worth enhoyment, and it stimulates the feeling ofyourself.

When you always have to ration, you begin to think am i so little worse that i have to be cheap all the time.

But if you enjoy those thinks, you begin to think i must be a great person if i deserve that, im awesome.

But thats just me.

Why live in cheap if you can afford it.

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