
Inevitable. Using magic to solve Chess.

In the game Magic the Gathering there is a card from Lorwyn called Imperious Perfect. If you let this land and remain on the battlefield at any point you will make tokens. Permitted you have a green mana available every turn. You will have enough tokens to overwhelm your opponent if they do not deal with it. It is known as superior numbers. Chess is a game of superior numbers aka square control. You either preserve your army for a counter attack or be like Magnus. I will outplay you positionally which requires no calculation. Magic requires basic math here yet the same principle applies to Chess and many games. Have fun despite the result anyway.
@Clearchesser said in #1:
> Chess is a game of superior numbers aka square control.

Correlation isn't causation; even though it may be helpful in achieving the end result.

I think of chess more like a race to checkmate; except if checkmate isn't achieved then its a draw scoring 1/2 a point, assuming the game is finished without consideration of time constraints.

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