
Религија и Наука Religion and Science

@ddfjdfjh said in #6:
> Како верујем ? Наука каже да живо постаје само од живог ( један од три Њутнова закона ). Једноставно, бесмислено би било да је све то измишљено и да после овог живота нема - ништа ....
> How do I believe? Science says that life comes only from the living (one of Newton's three laws). It would simply be meaningless if it was all made up and that after this life there is nothing - nothing ....

A small correction here: i do not believe that newton has anything to do with live beings... the newton‘s laws are from the physics to explain the behaviour of a body in presence of a force or none (1. and 2.) and the interaction between 2 bodies (3. law). Where the life comes from maybe it about Darwin, in the biology.
@ddfjdfjh said in #9:
> @magicsacrifblunder Everything You wrote is from the primary school . Heard this thousands times HAHAAHAHA
I do not like the attitude you are presenting, even if I am not an atheist. Mocking someone is not showing respect for the beliefs of others, even if you don't agree.
By the way, I have seen, talked, heard and met God.
@magicsacrifblunder My mistake it's Louis Pasteur or latin frase Omne vivum ex vivo...

How did He or Them looked ? What did You and He or Them said each other ? How can I do all that ?
@ddfjdfjh said in #13:
> @magicsacrifblunder My mistake it's Louis Pasteur or latin frase Omne vivum ex vivo...

For info:
Omne vivum ex vivo (u, Omne vivum ex ovo) frase latina que literalmente significa y se traduce como «toda vida sale de vida», y cuyo significado es «todo ser vivo viene de otro ser vivo».
Fue expresada por el médico italiano Francesco Redi (1626-1698), tras realizar brillantes experiencias para demostrar la falsedad de la creencia en la generación espontánea de vida a partir de cosas no-vivas presentes en el medio. Para evitarse problemas con la inquisición tales como los que sufriera Galileo Galilei: usó la frase en latín de resonancias bíblicas omne vivum ex vivo ("Todo vivo procede de la vida").

Louis Pasteur ForMemRS (27 December 1822 – 28 September 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization.

You are right about the phrase, but pasteur was again not involved about the „life creation“. ;)

The phrase means that a live being comes from another live being, to contradict the belief that a live being could come from not living things like a rock.
But there are scientific proofs for existence of God.
I would recommend you to read:
The Evolution Of Gods : The Scientific Origin Of Divinity And Religion
By Ajay Kansal

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