
What is your rating?

You're talking about the Puzzles? Puzzle ratings here are pretty much even the site itself tells you. ;)
No I mean according to the videos. They say, if you did this, your rating is this-and I'm curious on how that corrresponds to lichess puzzle/non-puzzle ratings.
@ebk1976 said in #3:
> No I mean according to the videos. They say, if you did this, your rating is this-and I'm curious on how that corrresponds to lichess puzzle/non-puzzle ratings.

The more interesting question is how me is your playing strength compared to your rating. That is if you care for such things.
@binjetzterstbeimArzt said in #4:
> The more interesting question is how me is your playing strength compared to your rating. That is if you care for such things.

Personally I put more stock in w:l:d ratio. Ratings can be manipulated if you're picky with your opponents (so can w:l, but I feel its less deceptive)
You can easily manipulate puzzle ratings legally
Puzzle rating doesnt mean anything
how to start geting ranking points ? I play games but it is not changing
Is appeal unbunning or it is just for filling in and forgetting?

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