
Do you get frustrated when you lose?

I get upset when I am on a losing streak and lose every game. Most of the time my ping is really high around 700 and I lose a lot of time in bullet and sometimes, the screen freezes and I get disconnected and after refreshing I am at a significant time disadvantage. Then I lose games, become frustrated and close my account. If I remember correctly this should be my 6th account on lichess. So, yes losing a lot of games makes your day worse.
I tend to have a small fit of rage where I throw the first thing I see at a wall. Then I get upset that the wall is dented and the bulb in my flashlight is shattered on the ground. Thinking about the whole situation usually causes me a lot of stress so I start another game of chess to distract myself from the disaster I caused.
But mostly it's because when your rating goes down everytime you play, somehow it gives you a mental breakdown lmao
I used to. It improved after I studied and practiced meditation. I haven't meditated in a few month though, I should get back into it.
When I lose I grab a knife stab everyone in the house, Murder my neighbors, Assassinate my friends, Burn the city then change my identity and run away to Mexico to start a new life, I get married then get stabbed in the neck with a 12-inch knife during a bar fight causing me to be disabled and lose my job, My wife gets cancer while pregnant, wife dies, I go into dept, I go homeless, That's when I decide to just end it all, Hang my self over the bridge. All because I lost a game of chess.
One time I got so mad that I stormed out of the house and strangled the pink plastic flamingo on my neighbours lawn.
Not just one game, usually, no matter how badly I blunder. But when I get into that addictive pattern of losing one game after another, can't stop, spiraling downward, then I need an opiate to calm myself. I wake up the next day and start again.
Don't call the police. I'm exaggerating. It's a joke.

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