
The Danish Gambit is Very Strong

839 • samsajwani123 •
  1. The Danish Gambit
  2. Variation 1 (5... d6)
  3. Variation 2 (5... Nf6)
  4. Variation 3 (5... Bb4)
  1. samsajwani123

The King's Indian Defense

52 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. If the pawn is captured
  3. When white ignores the pawn
  4. When white immediately pushes
  1. samsajwani123

The Best Anti-Traxler

51 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction to the Traxler (and other variations)
  2. The Anti-Traxler
  3. Black blunder # 1 (exd4)
  4. Black blunder # 2 (Bxd4)
  1. samsajwani123

The Ponziani-Steinitz Gambit

29 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. The moves
  3. White Mistake 1
  4. White Mistake 2
  1. samsajwani123

Openings with e4

21 • samsajwani123 •
  1. The Italian Opening
  2. Giuoco Piano - I
  3. Giuoco Piano - II
  4. Giuoco Piano - III
  1. samsajwani123

How to Beat the London System?

19 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. London System Counter
  3. 3. dxc5
  4. 3. e3
  1. samsajwani123

My Puzzles Composition

16 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Puzzle 1
  3. Puzzle 2
  1. samsajwani123

Giuoco Pianissimo

13 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Continuation
  3. Conclusion
  1. samsajwani123

The Italian Opening

8 • samsajwani123 •
  1. The Italian Opening
  2. The Legal's Trap
  3. The Giuoco Piano Variation
  4. The Two Knights Variation
  1. samsajwani123

The Knight and Bishop Checkmate

7 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Situation 1
  2. Situation 2
  1. samsajwani123

The Legal's Mate

4 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Winning with the Trap
  2. Getting a Good Position - I
  3. Getting a Good Position - II
  4. Getting a Good Position - III
  1. samsajwani123

Instructive Games

4 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ghostyqqq8 (2301) v/s samsajwani123 (1772) - Solid Caro-Kann game
  3. Anonymous v/s Me - Center Fork, Solid and Aggressive
  4. samsajwani123 (1754?) v/s PrajithMathu (1516) - Punishing Dubious Gambits
  1. samsajwani123

The Two Bishops Mate

3 • samsajwani123 •
  1. STEP 1
  2. STEP 2
  3. STEP 3
  1. samsajwani123

Checkmate with the Rook and King

3 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Basics
  3. The Method
  4. A faster mate
  1. samsajwani123

Chess Puzzles from Famous Games

2 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Puzzle 1
  3. Puzzle 2
  4. Puzzle 3
  1. samsajwani123

Amazing Opening Traps

2 • samsajwani123 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fried Liver Attack
  3. The Fritz Attack
  4. Center Game (White)
  1. samsajwani123