
Search "user:ChessElements"

11 forum posts
Game analysis - Long Castle Game#1

Also known as 0-0-0 Flawless victory :)

Lichess Feedback - Not accepting rematches problem. Playing only an even number of games. #9

Rematch refusals happen a lot and for different reasons, so better get over it.

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish Bug?#3

Remember that it's a local engine, (Stockfish Javascript) which runs on your browser, and it's about 600 ELO weaker than the regular UCI version of Stockfish. And that's because the Javascript version…

Lichess Feedback - player leaving a game#2

I guess it's easier to just close the game tab/browser than clicking the flag.

General Chess Discussion - Full of sacrifices#2

Come on man, you just blundered that bishop, but I liked how you created threats on the light squares after that.

General Chess Discussion - Are users leaving this site?#1

Somehow I feel that several months ago there had way more users on lichess than these days. Like 30% more if I would have to give a number. Can anyone confirm this? And what might be the cause? People…

General Chess Discussion - New YOUTUBE channel by CHESS COACH#6

Nice channel! What country are you from?

Off-Topic Discussion - The a3 Sicilian book#3

According the Fritz opening book, the idea in most lines is to play a gambit with 3.b4 Why not to play 2.b4 right away?

Game analysis - I'm so terrible chess player. How could I lose here?#11

Some high level chess going on there :)

General Chess Discussion - Can't download searched games #1

After a search, when I want to download the filtered games I get a 404 page. Can you please fix that feature? Thanks.
