
Not accepting rematches problem. Playing only an even number of games.

There should be an option for creating a seek, in which it's impossible to refuse a rematch. I'm tired from those, who refuse rematches. I block so many people. When there is a possibility to play an odd number of games, it creates the way for choosing white color oftener than black. It's also unfair, because they win and quit immediately, not giving a chance to recoup. If there would be an option to create a game with an even count, it would solve a lot of problems. If you refuse to play the second or fourth, etc. game, you lose. That would make playing more fair.
And for now I suggest you such way of thinking: if, in a casual game, your opponent refuses rematch after winning you, it means automatically that he lost the second (unplayed) game.
If I have time to play one game, then I have time to play one game. Are you suggesting people should not play if they don't have time to play twice? That might be OK for blitz but for us who play standard (never less than 15 +10 for myself), it's impractical.
No, I suggest a choice. If you want to play only one game, you accept usual seeks, but if you want to play two or more games, you accept special seeks which I suggested.
I play hyperbullet. A lot of players quit after winning, and I have noticed that if I win, the chance to get a rematch is higher. When I lose, my opponent often won't accept a rematch. I think it is connected with their wish to feel themselves a victor. If they accept a rematch they risk to forfeit that feeling.
It will also solve a problem with players who deliberately seek for white color. There is a sort of people who will accept a rematch after playing black (so they get white), but will deny if they played white (to not play black). And they then create a new game. Therefore, getting more chances to play white (up to 75%).
I quite like the odd-even number of games option idea.

I won't comment the rest though.
So many ½+0 games. Impressive #1, you have mastered the bullet section.

I normally never know who I am really playing againsts, so why would I ever want an auto rematch feature with a player that could be a shark at chess.

Why not take the time to look at a players profile, like their rating in training puzzles and then deside for yourself if you want a rematch.
Toscani, nobody forces you to accept a rematch. Just accept only usual seeks. But why should we, those who feel injustice a bit stronger than others, suffer from players who deliberately take away white colors, gathering more chances for a victory, and from players who will accept a rematch if they lost, but once they won, they run away? Everybody should have a choice, and an opportunity for fair games. If you don't want this, just create/accept the usual seeks and everything will be fine.
Only real problem here is when someone accepts rematch and leaves right after. Very few ppl do this, but still. A bit funny how chess provokes to do smallest dirty thing you can possibly invent.
It mostly happens because they want to quit, but accidentally click "accept rematch", when it appears at the place of the button "new opponent".
Well, I tried to write before a game: "Hello, I'm only going to play if we will play at least two games". But most of players abort games after this. Maybe some don't understand English. Or they have some different reasons. I don't understand this... I need to be sure there will be minimum two games.

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