
who likes the new +500 -500 rating range?

Since the change, I basically stopped playing on Lichess. It was too much to tolerate. I explained my arguments in a whole bunch of threads, like,,, and some more.

My arguments have never been effectively countered, the only thing I got from the pro-change freaks were childish insults and baseless accusations that I exploited the previous system to improve my rating (everybody can check that I diversified my opponents pretty much, playing much weaker, equal and much stronger opponents). One of them even urged me to commit suicide.

Resumming, I don't see why Lichess changed from the refuge of free chess into this caricature. For what a reason? Why?!

This range thing is restriction of freedom! Setting my opponent's minimum range to +200, doesn't mean that I will get such an opponent. If higher rated players don't want to play with lower rated players, they can set their opponent's desired range accordingly.
So simple!
I don't like the new rating system. Let's say I have 1800. For example, I don't want to play this evening - with someone who has 1820-1850. I want to play with someone who has 2000 - 2200. The old system allowed me to set these parameters. New - no. And this is very bad. At the time, I preferred LICHESS to all other sites because of a good matchmaking system. But now LICHESS has messed up this system and it's bad, it upsets me.
I think the 500 +/- rating limit is very poorly thought out. The aim is perfectly legitimate: to stop sandbaggers, and to stop cheats & weirdoes who only want to play people much stronger than them and also prevents people choosing very specific rating ranges which I guess increases availability of games. I never even used the filtering options, so far as I remember.

However, it feels authoritarian and contrary to the free spirit of the site to have this limit so I am very much against the new system. If I want to sit and wait in the vain hope that someone 1,000 points above me wants to give me a good thrashing, why shouldn't I?

#7 "crap players" -0 to +500? Also, that is what the rating sys thinks. You play with the performance of a 1575 so it thinks that's your real rating.
I don't even know how to use this new +500 -500 rating range !
For example, I don't want to play with people under 1500... How ido that?
I don't mind the new system at all, but i read that most complaints are not being able to set a specific rating range, even when it is within the -500/+500 new range.

Would it be a good addition if you could still set the rating range manually like before but it has to be within the -500/+500 window?
I like the new system and even though I mostly only use the "Quick Game" feature, it seems that even there I get more opponents of my own level or higher. Before I got way more opponents of 100 points lower or so.

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