
game chat

Well, if you want to attract more players to this site, you should consider it, because other sites have controls that allow or disallow it. The only time chats were private when I played was when
nobody else was in the room to hear them. :)

Actually I don't recall it even being legal for chats to exist, "private" or not, but it's not like there are tournaments here or anything.

But, one thing I definitely don't want to happen is *uncontrollably* allowing all people to see chats during games. I could just log out and interfere with some peoples' games as Anonymous and say

Privacy control check box options would be excellent (in a way that doesn't complicate the game creation UI), but the site's already revolutionary. It's not like we can have everything; no place is
"the site's already revolutionary"

what. i don't speak spanish
Now look what you did. You made it an even bigger revolution.

Anyway, pretty sure no one's gonna want to implement an option to let game hosts allow the chat to be read from or written to, just so one anon dude can post "what" all the time (lmao, just every move of the game, "what"), but my point still stands about it being a positive addition, as long as people control whether game chats can be seen or not.

If things like password changing ever do get implemented on this site, maybe this sort of feature would go into the account options page, so as not to clutter up the UI for setting up each game, with
check boxes to enable or reverse-enable publicity options (public game chat, public game chatting, ELO offset threshold from your current rating for people allowed to join?). Some privacy controls
would be great here, I'm pretty sure.

And yeah, some dude could join a game and say OOH PLAY THIS MOVE, which either side of the game might have intentionally set up allowing chat to help them out if people were to violated rules for
rated games like that. So, to be fair, chat from spectators--as is the case with official tournaments--would never be open while the game is in session, only before and after.
mephostosyphilis that doesn't explain why people shouldn't be able to view the chat. address things i say not random non-sequiturs
I know how much you care about your own topic and idea, but I'm agreeing with it because of some possible ways to implement it positively, not because the troll who started this thread came up with
it. :P

Currently though it looks like a more worthwhile feature to work on for this site would be an IP address logger for posts by anonymous people that are pissed off at people like "tyballs,"
"mephostosyphilis," etc. XD
Cause it sounds like you used to have an account here, and just made this thread to get revenge on a revolutionary (whoops :/) website that you felt a negative experience with.

It's cool by me, as long as you're not that Elizabeth bitch. :D
Everybody takes it easy.

I have a middle ground proposition. Each game has 2 chat rooms. One for the players, and one for the watchers.

And it's fine to call me tyballs, I actually enjoy it.
Well yeah, only lesbians try to offend dudes that way.

heh anyway, yeah I guess that sounds basically the same result, except they'd be two separate chats that, maybe only the players could see theirs and only the watchers could see theirs, not a bad idea
by any means just creates an additional chatbox on the site where there is already a public one for all members.

Could be the interface is cleaner on the whole with it merged in one chat, but nobody could actually participate in the chat (at the very least, while the game is still on) except for the players,
just maybe see it if there was a privacy check box turned on by the game host to allow it.

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