
Search "user:efreixar"

23 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Cheating is increasing significantly in Classical and Rapid#45

@Sybotes said in #43: > What I mean is that when someone with no points is challenging someone with a higher rating and his profile is created just a minutes ago could be a very strong player with Ano…

General Chess Discussion - Cheating is increasing significantly in Classical and Rapid#42

I do not know if the cheaters has increased or not but maybe a player who has created a new account and has no points in classical or rapid should be avoided in your matches. Maybe in classical games …

General Chess Discussion - Lichess is the best platform?#11

I think is among the best. is also quite good. Maybe the latter is more accurate on rating (when you compare with FIDE). I used to play on flyordie platform and is good as well. This last is…

General Chess Discussion - Studying vs Experience, what matters more for Improvement?#3

Probably is a combination of both but according to my no long experience I think that first of all you have to be very familiar with some structures in the openings. This experience comes from either …

Lichess Feedback - What causes some players to not be included in the Lichess top 200 lists ?#6

Thanks for the information.

Lichess Feedback - What causes some players to not be included in the Lichess top 200 lists ?#2

I think It depends on your subscription. I do not on lichess but other platforms such as flyordie you are on the list of top players if you pay for the subscription.

General Chess Discussion - how can i get better#8

According to my experience, you have to play a lot of games. No matter if you lose a lot, this is part of the way of learning. Over time you will get experience in some kind of patterns and you will i…

General Chess Discussion - some people cheat#25

@SupremeIronLeader said in #19: > Yes. It’s definitely an issue on Lichess’ end whether they realize it or not. Their server creates a reset or restart, but the users connection continues to stay in a…

General Chess Discussion - some people cheat#15

I had the same experience. In my case it happened after lichess warned to restart the server or whatever in a period of time. When you see that lichess is going to restart the server you better wait u…

General Chess Discussion - Refund points#5

Thanks Shadow1414
