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Game analysis - Had to unlock my opponents king ,so as not to stalemate#8

Credit and source image: from same fist link as previous post. (going modular, if need to delete, sometimes I find I take too much space, oscillations, in oversharing and self-doubt, still doing it on…

Game analysis - Had to unlock my opponents king ,so as not to stalemate#7 BTW. muchos gratias for your question about stalemate. It gave me…

Game analysis - Had to unlock my opponents king ,so as not to stalemate#6

glossary: king bad breath: see king donut king donut: see king field king field: well in the traditoin of chess rules using verbal approximation: king donut (just kidding). 3x3 = king donut Union king…

Game analysis - Had to unlock my opponents king ,so as not to stalemate#5

so chess is a game of going from cramped position on each side, to global intertwined de-cramping (on average... lol), and then cramping (using empty squares to cramp only the king mobility choices, t…

Dboing's Musings - Temporary: recapping and centralizing Pawn structures iron kittens#11

long haul. backed by resurected passion of mine..

Dboing's Musings - Temporary: recapping and centralizing Pawn structures iron kittens#10

so PS. not gone from radar. I see convergence with my motherload thing.. petit pas. another type of construction. i also like the axiom intent I understand better now i think. of "pragmatism" I may no…

Dboing's Musings - Temporary: recapping and centralizing Pawn structures iron kittens#9

where i gave up leaving that there.. and then was sure to leave a non-rambling post in the most recent... see 2 post above link. now feel like i expressed what i wanted, but it could just be depleted …
