
Search "user:Blazorge"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature request: show when opponent is in Zen Mode#1

Forgive me if this has been asked before. I like playing in Zen Mode but sometimes after a game I'll see that my opponent had been trying to chat with me. Sometimes they seem to get quite upset that I…

Lichess Feedback - Reconnecting#2

This is my experience as well at the moment. Thanks!

Lichess Feedback - Navigating sidelines in game analysis in new

Hello. There used to be a little feature in the old lichess that I am missing. It was when you go through the moves of a game that you've had analyzed, the computer would highlight alternative moves l…

General Chess Discussion - Can we search puzzles for games that we've played? #1

I'm just curious if any part of the games I've played wound up becoming puzzles. I would be interesting. Probably puzzles where I've blundered a tactic and will probably blunder it again. : )

Lichess Feedback - [Lichess TV] Please allow option to disable auto-switching games#4

Yes please. I came here to ask for the same thing. It would also be nice after the game is over to stay on with the same two players if there is a rematch. Thank you!

General Chess Discussion - Sure it will be fixed shortly.#2

came here to say the same...

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else's ratings swing wildly back and forth? #15

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I liked the articles about blundering. It helps to have some perspective on other's experience. As a very dyslexic person who nevertheless loves chess I've spe…

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else's ratings swing wildly back and forth? #1

My ratings on lichees swing back and forth between around 1290 to 1560 or so like around once a month. I find this kind of discouraging and I wonder if I am alone in experiencing this. Your feedback, …
