
Search "user:Thezombieman"

132 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - GM Magnus Carlsen account is for real?#44

I am sure he will. Why would he have made an account if he had not intended to play? I am pretty sure it is the real Magnus. Look at his bullet, blitz and classical ratings. 2800 provisional! It seems…

General Chess Discussion - Kasparov's Master Class#15

Hey, Kasparov was inactive for 12 years! That is the only reason he's so rusty. Otherwise he would be great. Also, most of the games he lost were because of poor time management and that's because of …

General Chess Discussion - My highest bullet rating#1

Hey after labouring sooooooooo much I am eventually rated 2300! I am very happy!Last year I thought that I did not have the capability to become 2200. But now I proved my own self wrong. Yay!!!!!

General Chess Discussion - Probably a more realistic Elo estimation with only 10 diagrams#10

I got 2035. I think it is quite precise considering my classical rating on lichess(2150).

Lichess Feedback - wtf is this i want my rating back#13

What a joke thread this is it like a debate competition.

General Chess Discussion - Missing mate in 1#2 I had mate on move 20- Nxf7# I lost on time later on.

General Chess Discussion - Best of 3 mode PLEASE#13

Hey what if my mother returns from the market just after my second game in a best of 2 starts? This is the reason I have to resign some games even if I was winning or it was equal. Adding a best of 3 …

General Chess Discussion - 2000+ at ultrabullet!#6

Thanks guys!

General Chess Discussion - 2000+ at ultrabullet!#2

One of my awesome games. I at first thought I had hung my queen after 40.....Ng4. He took my queen and I saw the mate! I was losing after 6....c5[Just a premove b…
