
Search "user:Aeilnrst"

24 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Counter players who lag out or leave cause sad?#4

I agree, the remaining player should have the option to abort the game when an opponent disconnects. And you're also right, that running out of time on the still-playing button should result in a loss.

Lichess Feedback - Chess Insights filters: game date#1

I've gotten better at chess over the last few months and wanted to see if it was possible to get Lichess Insights stats for only the games I've played recently (for example, excluding anything from be…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: automatically play forced moves#1

If I am in a correspondence game and there's a situation where I have exactly one legal move, lichess should make this move for me automatically, without having to keep my opponent waiting for me to l…
