
The Bible says...

Our own self-awareness is miraculous.

Sometimes, we must get closer to a forest to notice the trees

Or sometimes, we just need to move to Canada. But that seems to be too much trouble.
Also the dates, look, real date is lunar and we should be a few centuries behind. Not to mention the Georgian Calender set at 356 days every 3 year and also the hour shift from summer to winter each year.
@Noflaps said in #41:
> Our own self-awareness is miraculous.
> Sometimes, we must get closer to a forest to notice the trees
> Or sometimes, we just need to move to Canada. But that seems to be too much trouble.
To be honest, looking at projection of evolution and climate and who will have the youngest people on earth, I think that rather Africa is safer.
Southern hemisphere at all.
Also geo political
The world is not ending anytime soon. Take hysteria with a grain of salt, and follow the money. New York City is still too dry for swimming across its streets.
What is even going on in this thread...? It turned from a Biblical discussion into this mishmash of random stuff.
@Noflaps said in #44:
> The world is not ending anytime soon. Take hysteria with a grain of salt, and follow the money. New York City is still too dry for swimming across its streets.

The world statistically ends for people on a daily basis though when they die! I'm not saying the world's going to end for everyone tomorrow- that's too unlikely, but just saying that the world ends for someone everyday. Otherwise can you show a point in history where someone doesn't die from any cause?
@Approximation said in #46:
> The world statistically ends for people on a daily basis though when they die! I'm not saying the world's going to end for everyone tomorrow- that's too unlikely, but just saying that the world ends for someone everyday. Otherwise can you show a point in history where someone doesn't die from any cause?

Yea, The first human's first day on the planet
@dstne said in #47:
> Yea, The first human's first day on the planet

Good point. Death was introduced to people sometime after that. Cain killed abel.
It would be crazy if the world ends tomorrow... but very very very unlikely. Hopefully soon tho.
Somebody's perception of the world ends every day.....perhaps. But the world goes on. And on.

Oh, suddenly we are thrust into the deep end of the metaphysical pool. Is time even real? Is there only one stream of it? Is consciousness inextricably wed to meat and meat alone?

It's getting easier and easier to sense: reality is one very strange place, indeed. Gravity is pure magic. But because we can tame it with mathematics, we yawn in its face. It would be better if we awakened to its mystery, and realized that most of life is mysterious. Like my spouse: a delightful mystery.

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