
Add a third status icon

People are impatient.
Others have bad internet connection.
I play as anonymous if I have bad connection.
Usually I can play fine once the game started.
But till the board is loaded it takes a few seconds.
By this time in most cases (I would say 4 out of 5) the opponent has left already or aborted the game. People are impatient...
But they might just act on their bad experience as well and see no point in waiting if the opponent is shown as "left the game".
So wouldn't it be possible to add a third status symbol for a player who has not joined the game yet? It should not be to hard to check if the player joined the game and left again or if the player never actually joined.

If there was a lets say orange icon saying "hang on - Player is about to join" I guess a lot of the seemingly impatient people would turn out to be just people who did not expect to get a game here anymore.

Would appreciate that.
I am not quite sure if you acted on this thread or if it is a coincidence.
In any case I wanted to thank you for this improvement.
It seems to show a red ? now while loading the board and not the open door.
Still with the note "Player has left the game" which still is not quite accurate. :-) I suggest to change it to "Player has not joined yet".
After playing a couple of games I already (at least I think so) notice a slight improvement as people seem to stay more often then not and wait for me old cat and my acoustic coupler to heat up. :-)

So a big thank you already. But I think with an adequate note and an icon that is absolutely clear to everyone the amount of pointless aborted games could be reduced even more.

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