
What happens to my soul when I die

@a4477 said in #38:
> Every man has a soul without And with the soul man is the most important creature in creationa soul a man is just a piece of meat

_WHY_ do you think you have a soul? The answer should contain a "because".
@Happygurl28 said in #43:
> the stupidest topic in the forums
Esoteric debates are dumber than “I have _____ posts” brags? I think not.
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@a4477 said in #32:
> He goes to Heaven to Heaven or Hell and there is clear evidence for that like séances

Lol, what clear evidence is there?
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To @SamannOyB @DeadlyGambits @ungewichtet @MrPushwood @SUVITANGIRASH @Fut@dOnYa1386 @Negmek @Tirthu @moralisconundrum @Akbar2thegreat @FC-in-the-UK @magicsacrifblunder @Pegelkiffer @Passionate_Player @buzzywasps

Donya said something very interesting. He said that our body turns to dust, and then we return to God when we die. That's partly true. The Bible (God's Word to Us: spoken through holy men) clearly talks about the life to come, you just need to search. There are three verses which seem to apply to this situation:

1) John 6:40 - "Everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I myself will raise him up on the last day."

2) 2 Peter 3:7 - "The present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men."

3) Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

So these verses make it clear. We will obviously die, and we will go somewhere else once we die. However, where we go depends on one thing. BELIEVING IN CHRIST AND MAKING HIM OUR LORD. If we don't do that, we will still live, but in eternal judgment.

So how do we understand it simply? Here's the answer. Everyone is going to live forever, believe it or not. But their are two places to live forever in. The first is hell, where everyone will go. Since we sin (disobey God's commands), we will receive that wrath of God in hell. But God gave us another opportunity. He sent his only Son to die for us, in order that, when we believe in his Son, we will receive heaven. And, by the way, we are not going to be sitting on a cloud singing "Kumbya" the whole time! In heaven, we will receive the blessings of God, being able to rule with him in a new kingdom (world), and be able to worship him forever.

So where does your soul go when you die. It depends.

It depends on whether YOU BELIEVE in the ONLY way to get to heaven, through Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at @JesusChristisHope

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