
Your favorite chemical element

Uranium. As a child I've always found that stuff fascinating. Basically, I was called a psycho for being a pyromaniac
Carbon. It's everywhere and it does cool things like building life.
Me when i am offered 17 kilograms of uranium-376 (っˆڡˆς)
@airfloo said in #3:
> Carbon. It's everywhere and it does cool things like building life.

Carbon is my second favorite. It can make these huuuge chains, it just keeps on going.
It is the heaviest element not needing a supernova.

In the far future of the universe, assuming that proton decay does not occur, cold fusion occurring via quantum tunnelling would cause the light nuclei in ordinary matter to fuse into 56Fe nuclei. Fission and alpha-particle emission would then make heavy nuclei decay into iron, converting all stellar-mass objects to cold spheres of pure iron.[27]

Wouldn't that be fascinating?

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