
What is the fastest way to get a title

@Rahsulaimon said in #19:
> i would even be happy with the LM title but not ACM AFM AIM ang i am ok with AGM
U can gain LM title if lichess gives to u.
I am an 11 year old boy
How can I get a title in about a year or two 😀
@Rahsulaimon damn ur pretty picky. the ways mentioned above are the "fastest" methods. there is no other "faster" way. the best you can do is play good chess and win a tournament that grants you a title.
Have closed tournaments and invite old GMs/IMs/FMs and bribe them to lose and/or draw. That's how you earn your norms. Spend a few months in some Eastern European doing this and maybe you get there before your 12th birthday :).
Yeah look if you are at that age and you want the "fast" way. Then I can am guessing you are not going to get it at all lol. There is no quick way. You have to put in the work, get better and compete in rated events and perform. Nothing fast about this. If you are not good, its not going to happen.
My suggestion is that you work your butt off and the rest will come faster than you could ever imagine (rather than focusing on being fast)
🤫 your parents must be very rich, to establish "connections" and a very good donor or patron of fide tournaments.

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