
i dont think there should be premove

in otb chess,you cant move or even touch your pieces before opponent hits the clock,but in internet chesss you are allowed to move before oponent has done his premove you lose only one in ten of one second,nobody can do moves im that speed over and over again without a premove,in my last game,i had abaut 20 seconds left and my oponent had less than a second left,and he was able to flag me,i think there shouldnt be a premove option in internet chess,
Premoving is a huge part of online chess. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't part of the game.
premove is not natural,in my opinon,premove has changed the game of chess from its original form,maybe if both players agree,it should be allowed in only bullet games
Play longer time control games if winning or losing my flagging bothers you.
i got flagged when i had a abaut 20 secs and my oponent had less than a second,this was a 10 0 rapid game
Play with an increment can help with this! I see that you like to play 10+0, so maybe try 10+5
The clock has two faces. One side is close to timing out, yet, there is plenty of time left, over there, on the other face.

Chess players always use their opponents' time for thinking, why not for moving?

Premoving is natural when playing on virtual boards, with the position left intact as well as not giving away our moves.

Premoves come at the cost of not seeing the move they are answering- sounds fair?

Still, the game changes when we have to play on probabilities when we premove, and to play against someone who plays on probabilities, when we play against premoves.

Do we want a chess that forbids us using our opponents' time for moving, so that in chess, over the board or online, we always acknowledge our opponents' moves before we may answer? On virtual boards, I'd feel narcissistic to insist my opponents wait for me to make that impression. Nor do I feel a right to start their clocks for the sake of it.

I tell myself just try to win against the premoving guesswork. And to knit good guesswork myself should I premove.

Much better to wholly share our times on the clocks if we can not share a board, what do you think?

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