
Bot Tournaments

Lichess, could you make it so that, if I have a tournament of 50 people, for example, I could add the Fairy-Stockfish 14 level 2 bot, or the level 8 bot.
Tournaments are meant for humans to compete with other humans, not for robots to compete with humans.
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Lichess really won't be implementing this. It has been asked many times but it's unlikely. Also lichess isn't tcec that hosts engine tournaments so if lichess implements it, it would simply be stockfish vs stockfish (majority) and no one would be interested in watching that.

This isn't my decision though. It's after all up to lichess team.
No, like if there are 51 players, 1 would always be unpaired. The tournament maker would add a robot, os that there would never be an unpaired player.
What if players want a break instead of a pairing?

Players can play against the computer at any time, with or without a tournament.
how can i getback my account for tournaments?????
@ChessXavi said in #5:
> No, like if there are 51 players, 1 would always be unpaired. The tournament maker would add a robot, os that there would never be an unpaired player.

Sometimes you have to wait until you get paired. It’s not like everyone gets paired at the same time.

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