
Can somebody help me improve?

I've trying desperately hard to improve this past 2 weeks, and I just can't seem to get my head around what's wrong with my game, it just seems as if I just don't get basic things. Yesterday I played against somebody who barely knows anything about this game (had to even explain some piece moves) and he stilled stalemated me. Anybody who could help me just for the sake of being a good overall person, please add me in skype: javo.iglesias. I would love some advice.
@JavoIglesias #1
Hi, how long have you been playing chess ?
Are studying chess from chess books and videos ?
To improve from beginner to more advanced level can take several months or even years.

A few hints :
* Play rated chess games (Good that you play classical time control instead of bullet) so that you will get a rating.
This makes it easier for opponent to accept or ignore your challenge, and it gives yourself a little bit of an indication at which level you are currently.
* Avoid playing anonymous players if you can.
* Play in the Lichess tournaments. Even after a few rounds of losses you will likely get an opponent of equal strength and Lichess also has U2000 tourneys and the like.
* Join a local chessclub if possible. That can be a great learning experience, as well as fun.

Good luck, have fun!
if you just started learn the basics. You shouldn't be stalemated against somebody who doesn't even know the piece moves.
@XxChessGuruXx #4

We all make mistakes, even Magnus Carlsen does.

Many years ago in one of my first otb chess tourneys (It was rapid or blitz tourney), the tourney had just begon and there was silence and the ticket of the old fashioned clocks.
Suddenly there was a very loud cursing. A moment of chaos and giggling was there. It turned out that someone had blundered a winning position into stalemate.
It still makes me smile when I think about it.

In my opinion stalemate is a beautiful feature in chess. It makes amazing schwindles possible. Like here a GM draw with stalemate :
Don't worry. I took 10 years to start playing decent games. And even today I still make terrible blunders once in a while. Just keep playing, analyze your games, do tactics training, watch videos, etc. If you do those things you'll improve naturally.
When you got the basics, you should read the chess paper books of John Nunn, he's one of the best chess autors.
I've found drinking to help with my games. Drink fast, and play before you get too drunk, when you're too drunk, or you eventually start sobering up, add some more whisky in your cup.
Some people play much better when they're stoned out of their fuckin minds, but you may want to experiment and see what works best for you.

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