
Missing won puzzles in my profile

Hello. I regularly do tactical puzzles on pc and with the app on iphone and I notice that successful puzzles are often "forgotten" in my profile but not the lost ones. For example, the successful puzzles played on yesterday and today does not appear. Can you fix it please?
Hello. I received no answers from the support till now. I still get the problem. I solved the puzzle today and nothing in my profile, the graph does not upgrade! I missed the next one and I get the result in my profile and in my graph. WHY the good results are not taken account but only the bad ones????
There is a bug. If you want to do puzzles on your phone, don't do them on the website. To solve it, you need to clear the lichess cache on your phone completely (note that you will lose your settings). After that, you should only solve puzzles on your phone and you should be fine.

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