
I solved Horde Chess. I bet 100$ you can't beat me in Horde.

Nice one @Genesis_0f_the_Omega .... a lot of your "wins" were one move time-outs against provisionally-rated accounts. That looks like sandbagging. Also, your real wins aren't perfect - you miss mates in 2 for example. So, if you want to prove that you've solved horde chess, play perfectly.

Back on topic though, it looks pretty likely that horde is a forced win for black (a starting position eval of -5 or so is a giveaway), so the solution of horde chess seems "easy" after antichess was solved with a much lower starting eval.
bear in mind though, that antichess has a forced take rule, which cuts down lots of branches of the game tree. I doubt horde can be solved mathematically that quickly, though it might be viewed as solved from practical point of view
i would like to point out the fact that the dollar sign ($) goes BEFORE the amount of money
@yafura Yes, I agree - making a tablebase-like solution to horde would be very difficult and CPU-intensive, but I think it's already "solved" from a practical point of view, in that I don't see how a computer eval of -5 could be wrong and that actually white can force a draw. Same as standard chess - brute-force solving that is currently impossible, yet I think it's a forced draw - otherwise why would the best computer programs only draw?
Hello GM George.
Your DVD is not published yet, but do you have something like a Homepage or Facebook account where we could keep track of the release? Maybe your Fide profile to share?
Standard chess is not quite there yet, but probably not too far away.
The solution for horde would be to give white one or two extra pawns...
Senilefelines, my Personal Homepage is now being redeveloping. It will be available soon. I will keep you informed.

About my Horde Chess Solution.
You will be surprised to know what the Real Solution of Horde chess is. Do not blindly believe that engine knows the Truth. Only I know.

About my prize for beating me in Horde.
I changed my mind. From now I will pay you 200 instead of 100 USD, in case you win a game.

Challenge me now: 14days/move, Horde, Rated.
Hello GM George.
But you certainly will not only advertise and distribute the upcoming DVD only with a lichess forum topic, will you?
And as a (super) GM you certainly have some references and previously published material we could look up.
To share your identity with us, would be the first step on a road to success with your upcoming DVD.
Yes he solved Horde by only playing as Black which starts the game off by the player having a -4.6 advantage against white. So of course if you're a pretty strong player and you start off with that big of an advantage your chances for winning a quite good, especially since white only has pawns which only move forward and once they moved they can't move back and as long as you don't blunder your pieces, don't allow white to push a huge chain of his pawns to the 7th rank thus forcing a lot of strong pieces to be given up and then get another pawn chain to force a queen promotion, then Black will easily win. That is why with all those pawns black still starts the game with such a significant advantage. So with strong play, black has no chance of winning or even drawing because eventually white will run out of moves that will protect the pawn chains and black will gobbled up the remaining pawns since pawns only move forward. And this Genesis of the Omega jerk thinks he is this hot shit super player, writing on his profile that he was #1 and Champ, then $200 to anyone who beats him and that he is GRANDMASTER! Self proclaimed that is. Yet in his game history he Always aborts any games where he ends up having the white pieces, and the one game he did play as white and win was in a blitz Horde game against a player who was like 1200ish provisional, in which yes he did outplay a player who technically is over 1300 points weaker than him but then as a jerk move started messing with him by promoting like a dozen pawns and toying with the player before mating him. But all the stronger opponets especially in correspondence Horde games he always aborts if he ends up being White. I want to see what his rating will be and also if he will keep honoring the $200 to anyone that beats him if he starts accepting challenges from players 2000 and higher and as him playing as white? I guarantee you that it will never happen because we all know that if he was to match the same amount of games that he has already played as black but this time as white, he will drop his rating by a significant amount of points and he wouldn't pay anyone the $200. Also if you notice on his profile, he only has a rating in Horde. Tell me, what player signs up to a chess site and only plays Horde and gets rated in Horde? Expecially being that Horde is only a variant I've seen played on And I'll tell you why, because we all know if he played any other variant of chess, especially classical chess in any time control that we would all see what kind of super grandpatzer he really is. Hell that's why he doesn't even have a tactics trainer rating because he knows he wouldn't be able to put up GM level tactics rating, and if he can't do that, then we're supposed to believe he is a super GM who is a genius who solved the variant Horde that not even engines can solve or beat

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