
Who would win

Who would win Magnus Carlsen at his best point of his career or Bobby Fischer
Carlsen easily. Chess progressed a great delal in 50 years..
Carlsen would smash him. It wouldnt even be close. Fischer was fantastic IN HIS TIME, but he would have a lot of catching up to do as #2 said as well.
Of course, Magnus. Why is it even a question?

It is like asking whether Napoleon's army would be able to defeat Alexander the Great's army (who was arguably the best military commander in history). Resounding yes. The technological superiority of Napoleons troops would be a decisive factor in this imagined conflict. And it is the same in Carlsen vs Fischer.

Comparing chess players from different generations is inane. Apples and oranges.
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How about Kasparov vs Carlsen ?

Wait.. Vasil Ivanchuk want to join too, as he beat Kasparov in 1991 and beat Carlsen as well.
I have seen a game between Ivanchuk vs Carlsen on where Ivanchuk sacrificed his queen in order to pave the way for his pawn to promote. The game was provided as a puzzle for users on that site to find the winning move. I remember, I failed to find the solution.
Of Course the IDEA is IF they were all (All The World Chess Champions) born say in the year 1900 ... Who would win NY 1924 or if Fischer & Carlsen were both born in the same year' how would a Match turn out ... Nobody Knows for sure the answers however it's fun to speculate
@ThunderClap said in #7:
> Of Course the IDEA is IF they were all (All The World Chess Champions) born say in the year 1900 ... Who would win NY 1924 or if Fischer & Carlsen were both born in the same year' how would a Match turn out ... Nobody Knows for sure the answers however it's fun to speculate

I can tell for sure Magnus would win the second game
Fischer - Carlsen 1924... I think Fischer beats him! Both are incredibly talented but I think Fischer’s work ethic is stronger and he would have pushed harder to find whatever resources he could to learn from. The guy learned Russian just to read Russian chess material after all. Assuming similar upbringings, (one of them isn’t born into a family of nomadic hunters and never is introduced to chess as an example)... assuming all else in terms of nurture is relatively equal and both of them start learning as a small child... my money is on Bobby... assuming Bobby shows up.

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