
Site Managment

Through the years people have been asking the same question, I decided to make a list of possible causes.

1-For the same reason people use steroids in bodybuilding. So that you can look big, but online.

2-You just want to spread sadness and anger through the world.

3-You enjoy watching people being crushed by computers, so you decide to become the Agent Smith of Lichess, dominating the human race while you enjoy keeping them in the illusion of playing in the real world, and defending the Matrix from the Neomoderators.

4-You have a computer but no friends.

5-You have a computer and a cat. So why not?

6-You have a cat.

7-Girls go crazy when they see your rating on Lichess.

8-You don't have a cat.

9. You really don't understand how much stronger a chess engine is, or how bad you are. People think, "Oh, let me just turn on the engine here", see the lines, and then go "Oh, well duh I would have found that". But they don't recognize when Stockfish starts up at Depth 24, it's looking 24 ply into the future when it states a move is the best. It's so hard to feasibly understand. And it's even more hard to understanding rating odds. Like the fact Lawrence Trent, an International Master, lost a blitz battle with Magnus Carlsen playing down a full rook. Like, I'd like to believe I could beat an IM if I was given rook odds - but probably not. And then you look an an engine and say "Well, they can't be THAT strong, can they?" And you use it, because you lie to yourself and believe you're so much better than you actually are.
I use them reguarly - before and after the games of course.

But actually I play online only for training purposes.
There are three big issues with people cheating:
1. They cheat and spoil it for everybody.
2. They deny they ever used any engine while playing and complain about everyone and everything is so unjust.
3. People who (maybe) don't cheat keep complaining nearly all the time about people who do. Just report these robots and get over it.
The most annoying thing about the fact people cheat, is, the forums are full of threads about this crap. And you can't even ignore it the easy way and say: No, I won't give this thread another (counted!) view, I will not click on it, for people name it "site management".
And yes, there is tons of tons of material on this stuff in the forums on lichess, just use the search bar. ...
No personal offense, it's just an annoying behaviour of too many people.
..."They deny they ever used any engine while playing and complain about everyone and everything " ...

... perhaps an honesty /honorable statement is requires upon sign up?
The cat theory kind of got me curious.

So assume there is a box in the mind of the cheater. Locked within the box there is the plan to cheat. It is not known if they out-carry this plan. Not even them self know it.
Only when watched by a cat they will realize it.
The eyes of the cat open the box and expose their evil doing to them selfs.
In the moment of being watched by a cat the cheater realizes he cheated.
It now becomes reality. The cheater will not be able to cheat in future as he knows the cat knows.

I hereby propose to give a second chance to cheaters if they can proof they went to the next animal shelter and adopted a cat. Further the computer assistance label should be turned into a trophy if the re-socializing worked. We will call the trophy "redemption cat".
Cause two souls were saved by starting out the wrong way.

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