
Convert me

any religion any god any view this is a friendly post for all opinions i want to believe in god or gods but it doesn't add up convert me i might read a bible im not sure and lichess dont close this post:) *puppy eyes*
@theodorecalexico said in #1:
> any religion any god any view this is a friendly post for all opinions i want to believe in god or gods but it doesn't add up convert me i might read a bible im not sure and lichess dont close this post:) *puppy eyes*

Lichess doesn’t generally close these kinds of posts down so I think it’s ok.

I am a Christian (in case you couldn’t tell ;). The Christian worldview essentially states that everybody in the world is a bad person, meaning that everyone has done bad things that God doesn’t like (called sin). God allows any good person to go to heaven, but since nobody is good, everyone is destined for hell. God knew this and didn’t want everyone to have to go to hell. Unfortunately, God is a just God, meaning that He has to exact punishment on everyone who deserves it. However, He is also a Good and Merciful God, wanting nobody to have to go to hell. So, for this reason, He sent His son (who is also God, but I can explain this more later) to take on human flesh. Essentially, God became a human, but also was still God. Since Jesus (God’s son) became human, He was able to die. The reason He died was to take the punishment that people deserve.

Jesus died to take your punishment. All the bad things you did, Jesus died for that.

Because He took your punishment, you don’t have to take it yourself. If you accept this as truth, and believe that Jesus actually did die to save you, and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty God of the universe, then you won’t have to go to hell when you die, but instead go to heaven. Additionally, God will send His Spirit to live inside you and guide you in your life journey.

Christianity offers free eternal life with the Almighty God of the universe, a guilt free conscience, a purpose in life, and an all-knowing Guide. Only at the cost of your surrender. If you want to know more, or if you have any questions, feel free to DM me.
@dstne said in #2:
>The Christian worldview essentially states that everybody in the world is a bad person

That's a non-starter for me. Really? Everyone?

> meaning that everyone has done bad things that God doesn’t like (called sin).

An imaginary being doesn't like it? Oh boo-hoo.
@dstne said in #2:
> Lichess doesn’t generally close these kinds of posts down so I think it’s ok.
> I am a Christian (in case you couldn’t tell ;). The Christian worldview essentially states that everybody in the world is a bad person, meaning that everyone has done bad things that God doesn’t like (called sin). God allows any good person to go to heaven, but since nobody is good, everyone is destined for hell. God knew this and didn’t want everyone to have to go to hell. Unfortunately, God is a just God, meaning that He has to exact punishment on everyone who deserves it. However, He is also a Good and Merciful God, wanting nobody to have to go to hell. So, for this reason, He sent His son (who is also God, but I can explain this more later) to take on human flesh. Essentially, God became a human, but also was still God. Since Jesus (God’s son) became human, He was able to die. The reason He died was to take the punishment that people deserve.
> Jesus died to take your punishment. All the bad things you did, Jesus died for that.
> Because He took your punishment, you don’t have to take it yourself. If you accept this as truth, and believe that Jesus actually did die to save you, and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty God of the universe, then you won’t have to go to hell when you die, but instead go to heaven. Additionally, God will send His Spirit to live inside you and guide you in your life journey.
> Christianity offers free eternal life with the Almighty God of the universe, a guilt free conscience, a purpose in life, and an all-knowing Guide. Only at the cost of your surrender. If you want to know more, or if you have any questions, feel free to DM me.

thank you but is your whole life about heavan and hell? like do you live in fear cos if you lie to your mom then u go to hell and suffer?
@ohcomeon_1 said in #3:
> That's a non-starter for me. Really? Everyone?
> An imaginary being doesn't like it? Oh boo-hoo.
Truely a Womp Womp moment
@ohcomeon_1 said in #3:
> That's a non-starter for me. Really? Everyone?

Well the problem with just saying “Jesus loves you” is that that doesn’t solve the problem at all. If you don’t know what the problem is, you won’t know how to solve it, or even want to. Imagine a doctor telling a patient that they need to go on a life changing diet, but not telling them why. The patient would probably just ignore the doctor and be worse because of it.

> An imaginary being doesn't like it? Oh boo-hoo.

Just because you don’t believe in Him doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist. You would laugh at a dude that denies the existence of gravity, because his belief doesn’t dictate whether gravity exists.

@theodorecalexico said in #4:
> thank you but is your whole life about heavan and hell? like do you live in fear cos if you lie to your mom then u go to hell and suffer?

No, it’s the opposite. You can be free from any kind of worry about the afterlife because you know that God has nothing against you. If you lie to your mom, God doesn’t like it, but if you repent of it (that is to ask for forgiveness and turn from your sin), then God forgives and you don’t have to worry about it. Everything you have ever done wrong has already been taken care of by Jesus.
Well, from what I understand, God is Stryper's manager.

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