
Working on Play

I am slightly surprised that you didn't advise us to write a chessblog. I am maintaining for 11 years my own chessblog ( and this made playing much more fun for me. A draw and even loss are often the best stories to write about.
Very nice article dude, really great stuff. the second game you're talking about is probably my main game ! One FM mentioned these kinda thoughts elsewhere on the internet. He also said something like: the moment I stopped cared about rating my game actually improved a lot over time since I was more focused on the game itself.

in addition to this there was a interview with a Olympic sporter of some sort, and the reporter asked something like did you thought you were gonna get the golden medal ? And the sporter said something like: I can't be busy with results. I have to focus entirely on the game.

which makes me believe that what you are writing about 'the second game' is actually a huge blockade on improving your game.

for example thoughts like Ha this player his rating sux let me finish him quickly. and get frustrated when you happen to lose since your mindset is just the wrong one.
Great article, thanks for writing it. The ego game is very hard to get rid of. I've never felt I've had a problem with my ego, but chess is one of the few things that can bring it out. Hoping in this new year I can focus more on the actual chess. It's important to remember that losing is a part of the game
Chess is an interesting game. Whatever different hobby I have, you always get the feeling of "getting better" over time. Playing an instrument, learning a language, doing sports. You see your results.

But in chess: if you get better, your opponents get better. You always have the feeling, that you are not good enough. It does not matter if you have 500 Elo or 2800 Elo, every chess player uses phrases like "I am so bad."
> second game – the ego game – is terribly engrossing

> Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it - what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone.

Or it requires to spend our enegry on thinking how good you are, so you loose caution, or it makes you think how much you suck and how losing your position is, so you give up way to soon.

Yeah, thats a goo article. But. What the hell is that chessboard???
can't completely avoid bad chess emotions as long as you're trying to win the game
Great article. But I think one should play longer games if they want to enjoy learning from chess. Blitz does not help improve your game and reinforces the competitiveness side rather than the creative side of this beautiful game.
Great article, but I have to disagree a bit. I love the ego game aswell, it can be very fun too.