
Who would have won if Fischer and Karpov match took place?

Also is Kasparov really better than Karpov? I think they both are equal. They had lots of draws and Kasparov only won by a small margin.
Rating wise Fischer was the favorite in 1975 but Karpov was going to dethrone Fischer eventually.
Yes Kasparov is really better than Karpov
Fischer did not want to play Karpov, so he insisted on unacceptable conditions. He even did not want to play Spassky in 1972 and it took a lot of persuation to make him play and to not let him quit after game 1.

In their first match Kasparov wanted to play Karpov as he was used to and it backfired and he almost lost the match until he started playing for a draw. In the subsequent matches Kasparov was clearly stronger.
Fischer has a good middlegame technique, Karpov is an engame beast. Fischer has to win from middlegame and being winning in the engame i think. And also Fischer can't do ANY mistake on endgame. If this happens, Fischer wins. But if they go to an equal endgame, Fischer has no chance to win the game.
After a break of three years, Fischer would have been destroyed by Karpov.
#5 You do not appreciate the incredibe endgame technique of Fischer. This was somewhat eclipsed by his brilliant attacking games that people recall.
Fischer took a break during 1969 analysing his "My Sixty Memorable Games" and he came back in 1970 much stronger than ever before. So he might have been even stronger in 1975.
Karpov said the he would have lost the first match, but would have won in 1978. Fischer is known for his bishop endgame technique. Karpov had most extensive opening knowledge.

Karpov and Kasparov are equal in strength. Although they, also, show their strengths in different parts of the game, the real factor in their games was their ages.

Just to answer the other common match question, Capablanca would have won the rematch due to alcohol, but Alekhine would have crushed him in the next rematch.

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