
Lichess coaches

FM Valtron_Prokofiev Lichess coach picture

FM Valentyn Prokofiev

Success is achieved only by those who found the strength to continue fighting when it seemed that everything was lost.

Location Ukraine
Languagesукраїнська, English (US), русский язык
RatingFIDE: 23372570
Hourly rate20€/1h, 180€/10h; training games - 10€/1h
IM Martini99 Lichess coach picture

IM Martin Neugebauer

Everything is possible, hard work and dedication is what you need. There is no such as "I can't". There are "I fear, I don't want and I don't believe".

Location Slovakia
LanguagesSlovenčina, Español, Deutsch, русский язык, українська, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 25282554259519661690
Hourly ratenegotiable
NM TaranenkoEvhen Lichess coach picture

NM Евгений Тараненко

Шахматы - это наука, искусство и спорт

LocationOdessa Ukraine
Languagesрусский язык, українська
RatingFIDE: 220123672405
Hourly rate30€
WIM Olenahess Lichess coach picture

WIM Olena Hess

You will never win if you never begin!

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US), українська, русский язык
Hourly rate25€ pro Stunde
FM Lgabi Lichess coach picture

FM Nazar Laptii

"Chess requires tactics, strategy, and skill, but most importantly, it demands the will to win." - Emanuel Lasker

Location Ukraine
Languagesрусский язык, українська
RatingFIDE: 227827202563
Hourly rate10$
NM Leonid_Starozhilov Lichess coach picture

NM Leonid Starozhilov

Провожу занятия по Skype,Zoom,Telegram. Основатель и тренер шахматной школы :

LocationKherson Ukraine
Languagesрусский язык, українська, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 228527872648
Hourly rate20 usd
IM WoodyLand Lichess coach picture

IM Anton Sitnikov

Improving chess with WoodyLand - you`re getting to happy end!

LanguagesEnglish (US), русский язык, українська
RatingFIDE: 23852607
Hourly rateflexible
IM Metra93 Lichess coach picture

IM Artem Gilevych

"Work hard! Because hard work and passion beat the talent."

LocationBudrio Italy
LanguagesItaliano, русский язык, українська
RatingFIDE: 242027682627
Hourly ratecontact me and ask
GM Oleksiyenko Lichess coach picture

GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko

I hope I can make you enjoy and love chess like I do!

LocationLviv Ukraine
LanguagesEnglish (US), українська
RatingFIDE: 257325892708
Hourly rate80$
GM gidropark Lichess coach picture

GM Artem Omelja


Location Ukraine
Languagesукраїнська, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 251527432544
Hourly rate20 euro