IM CSB7 Lichess coach picture

IM Balázs Csonka

“Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.” – Savielly Tartakower

LocationSzeged Hungary
LanguagesMagyar, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2480284027252373
Hourly rate45€/50$
AvailabilityNot accepting students at the moment

About me

I am Balázs Csonka, 26-year-old International Master from Hungary with two grandmaster norms and peak rating of 2500 (current: 2480). Apart from chess, I have recently acquiered my Masters degree in International Economy and Business and worked for British Petrol.

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me here in direct message or via e-mail at or Mainly students above the 1800 FIDE rating level are welcome.

Playing experience

I am a three-time European Youth bronze medalist and I was part of the gold medalist Hungarian national team at the Mitropa Cup in 2019. The pinnacle of my career has been the Battle of the Sexes tournament (Gibraltar) in 2022 January, where I was a joint top-scorer with 7/10 points, which helped the Men's team to win the event and also secured my second grandmaster norm. (You may find several interviews with me here:

Teaching experience

I have been coaching since 2017 and acquiered the (official) FIDE Trainer title in 2023. I have worked with many talented youngsters who have achieved great results on both national and international level (i.e. National Youth Champion, reaching FIDE Master title).

Other experiences

Apart from coaching, I have worked together for many years with my good friend and former prodigy, GM Benjamin Gledura. A work from which both of us have benefitted immensely.

You can check my blog here:

Best skills

My students say that they have won a lot of games thanks to my ideas in the opening. They have also experienced improvement in pure positional play, strategic thinking and endgame skills.

Teaching methodology

My training methods include:

learning new openings (and the arising middlegames)
exploring numerous middlegame themes and pawn structures
learning theoretical endgames
studying the classics
and most importantly: analysing students' games and pointing out their mistakes
(training games are also available)

I always send the training material to my students right after the lessons.

Latest blog posts

Road to GM - What happens when you face Hikaru in an online blitz game?

To put it briefly: you will be crushed!

Road to GM - I missed a win against Firouzja!

I decided to create a Lichess blog and what could be a better way to start than analysing my recent …