
i like to take risks

ChessOver the board
The Behavioral Health Unit (BHU) is where patients are genuine.

Obstacle Course

Yesterday was the first time I attempted the obstacle course shown above. You can’t really do it with vehicles in the vicinity, but it’s Strong military training, as long as traffic is light. me trying it comes from inspiration emanating from KT. KT was a chess player I faced a few days ago at a mental hospital. He will serve in the United States Army. The obstacle course was totally rad. Believe me, it’s not against the law for i to di ot. If it were, I would have been put in handcuffs. Where I live, the cops have an exceptionally keen eye for detail, so if it were illegal, I would have been arrested in short order. I mean, they rarely pull you over for speeding in Texas, but they are not particularly fond of weird people. They underestimated my intellectual ability. I am not eccentric. Y’know, there’s a city in Texas that is known for ‘eccentricity’, and omg my last name is in that city.. rip, me :KEKW

A game against KT

KT was my strongest opponent at Medical City Behavioral Health McKinney. He played every move with poise. He insta-requests for rematches, without fear. He is also level-headed in the way that he interacts with others. KT is in the process of military recruitment (United States Army). He does not have an interest in sports because it is not practical for gifted athletes to partake in silly games.

I won all 9 of my games convincingly against KT, but I was flabbergasted by his style, his skill level, and even the way he'd move his pieces. In the penultimate game, KT had an equal position against me by the twenty-first move. I found that to be quite remarkable, considering that he is new to chess notation. I grew up in the mean streets of Lincolnshire, IL lmfao. But no, my peers and I were exposed to algebraic notation by the time we were in like second grade.

here's an exciting game in which I had the black pieces .. he plays fast. it was our eighth game


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