
Search "user:fit_lyanna"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - want to play a sicilian against me?#1

Message me if you'd like to play a sicilian against me in a classical game, rated or casual.

General Chess Discussion - Looking for consistent training partners, classical chess, ideally 90+30, rated or casual#1

Message me if you are interested. I don't mind analyzing games afterwards if there is interest. I live in California (Pacific Standard Time). It is training for the OTB games which I play once a week.

General Chess Discussion - training game for an OTB classical tournament#1

Message me if you'd like to play a classical game today (rated or casual).

General Chess Discussion - Chess blindness#4

I looked at your classical games. Just play more classical games and less bullet. Not easy to do (playing bullet is so much fun!). Slowing down is not easy. It is hard work to calculate different line…

General Chess Discussion - Unhealthy Rating Focus#13

@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #11: > It's not quite as easy, because your style of play can depend on your opponent's strength. I know it shouldn't, but you need to know for which opponent to focus mo…

General Chess Discussion - Unhealthy Rating Focus#10

There is a setting called 'Show player ratings' (preferences -> display). Click 'No', and you won't see ratings on lichess (yours and others).
