
Search "user:dojo99"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - double checkmate#1

It would be nice if LiChess would list Double Check Mate as Double Check Mate rather than merely Checkmate ...

Lichess Feedback - Picking off MOVING LOBBY list ~ freeze/thaw ??#1

The available game list in The Lobby is being continuously updated - as I try to make my choice, it updates and I end up in a game that was NOT what I selected. Since it is never still/frozen then oth…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Zen Mode sets Pentatonic Sound#1

This may be a tad obvious, but shouldn't Zen Mode set Sound to Pentatonic? I'll never go back, it is WONDERFUL! Thanks So Much to the Lichess team, only Lichess could deliver this seamless impeccable …

Lichess Feedback - ?? Chrome browser View->Zoom In makes board SMALLER??#1

I'm LOST?! The tried and true Chrome Browser now does View->Zoom In makes board SMALLER? and then a 2nd time, smaller still?! All this while the clocks are way TOO BIG???? The tiny board does NOT get …

Lichess Feedback - Where is 960?#3

Thanks! It didn't come from the search, so I figured it wasn't around...

Lichess Feedback - Where is 960?#1

Please help me understand how I play Chess 960 on Lichess? Sure seems that like everything else available, 960 would be an option, even if just for training ...

Lichess Feedback - new game start timer on 1st move?#4

OMG THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The new START GAME TIMER, for either Black or White is WonDeRful, awesome and SO Convenient!! The old sad days of wondering what on Earth happened to the person w…

Lichess Feedback - new game start timer on 1st move?#1

Does anyone else think that there should be a timeout timer set for making the 1st move of a new game so that if your new playing partner fails to make a 1st move within say maybe 90 seconds or whatev…
