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62 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Moving from beginner to good chess player.#6

Maybe playing a game would be a good start?

General Chess Discussion - Which chess website do you prefer?, or

I like both. The other site has no classical category which for me is its downfall. however does have more colourful characters and brighter graphics, so it is definitely the gayer site.

General Chess Discussion - Did Puzzles actually improve your chess#30

If you only have a short time available, say under half an hour, I think that puzzles are a much better use of your time than playing fast time controls. They will teach you to think properly, instead…

General Chess Discussion - Anyone Else Bad at Bullet and Blitz but good at Classical?#16

Me too. I wouldn't say I was "good" at classical but definitely better than blitz. Not worried because I don't see "speed" chess as a proper game anyway. I've never even tried bullet, don't see the po…

General Chess Discussion - Why?#1

Is it a taboo subject to discuss the relative merits of chess websites? Seems a pretty reasonable topic of discussion to me. Am I missing something?

General Chess Discussion - What's the importance of chess?#18

Lovely post, but I hate squirrels. One chewed through my wooden vents and accessed my attic. Another accessed my truck's air filter and literally chewed it to pieces. They are tree rats.

General Chess Discussion - Which time controls help you improve the most and which ones don’t.#8

Improve at what? You will improve at the time control that you play. Its like the gym. The bits that get used, get stronger. Having said that, I absolutely agree with the last post.

General Chess Discussion - what is the worst chess move in your opinion?#19

e1f1 when you actually meant to castle is a bad move that I have accidentally made on several occasions.

General Chess Discussion - what is the worst chess move in your opinion?#7

1. d4. Yawn. Please not Queen's tedious gambit. Or the dull, monontous London. Give me an open game every time please.

General Chess Discussion - Is a queen trade worth it?#8

I like queen trade when its d1xd8 and opponent has to recapture with his king. Not so cool if the queen's rook can recapture, and control the d file. Everything else being equal I'd probably trade jus…
